Cat Keeps Turning Off Owner’s Phone Alarm in This Funny Video

Hearing that morning alarm go off is the worst feeling for many people. You know your sleep has come to an end, and you need to get to work or do some other chores that are usually a lot worse compared to staying in bed. But it turns out that the cats feel exactly the same about it as humans.

A while back, TikTok user @eyeveesoup shared a video showing how her roommate’s cat reacts to alarms. According to TikToker, the roommate kept telling her the feline was turning off her phone alarm, so she decided to put it to the test.

@eyeveesoup programmed a few alarms and then waited to see how the cat would react. As soon as they went off, the cat quickly jumped on the smartphone and started pounding on it with her paws to turn it off.

“Why does she hate alarms so much,” wrote @eyeveesoup in the video.

The clip was a massive hit, getting more than 13 million views since it was posted. It also received 17K comments from other TikTok users, who were quite entertained by the cat’s behavior.

“She tried to DELETE them not just turn off,” wrote one user.

“She definitely worked a corporate job in another life,” another one suggested.

So next time your alarm doesn’t sound off and you are late for your job, don’t think that your pet didn’t have something to do with it.