Ira Volkova’s Artwork Feels Larger Than Life

If you’re looking for an artist to make you feel like you’re in the presence of greatness, look no further than Ira Volkova’s Instagram page. With nearly 46,000 followers, she’s proven that not only does she have talent, but she knows how to communicate her message with a loyal following.

When looking at her paintings, you’re immediately struck by a handful of different things. The first thing you may notice is the vibrancy of the colors she uses. She tends to use colors that are in the red family, and let’s just say she’s a master at it. Her work feels so human, so tender, so real.

In addition to color, her level of skill and proficiency is through the rooftop. It’s clear that she’s a queen of illustration, creating structured paintings that look as though you’re looking at real life.

Ira paints a variety of different things, but one of her favorite things to create is animals. As you scroll through her gallery, you may come across a majestic lion or a regal stag. She also loves drawing bouquets of flowers, which are just as pretty and magnificent. Go check out the photos on her Instagram account and see for yourself!