Texas Restaurant Puts up Hilarious Signs to Make People Laugh

Texas-based restaurant El Arroyo has a longtime tradition of putting up hilarious signs in front of their store in order to make people laugh and brighten their day. As it turns out, they didn’t let difficult times to stop this noble mission.

Despite being closed due to coronavirus pandemic, El Arroyo continued to place witty signs and bring joy to both their community and internet users. Each day, the restaurant’s staff displays a new funny message that revolves around current events like quarantine and social distancing.

“In these times when much is unknown, El Arroyo finds our comfort in bringing smiles and laughter to our community on a daily basis,” said the restaurant’s co-owner Paige Winstanley.

Besides coming up with the jokes themselves, El Arroyo is also open to suggestions. If you have a sign-worthy message, you can submit it on their on their official sign mail [email protected].

Check out some of our favorite El Arroyo signs below.