Graphic Designer Depicts the Worst Reviews of U.S. National Parks

Amber Share is a talented graphic designer and calligrapher who likes exploring nature. Besides working with big and small businesses, the artist has launched her project titled Subpar Parks, where she illustrates one-star reviews of America’s national parks.

Before starting her Instagram account, she always had in the back of her mind a personal goal to depicts all 62 Natural Parks located in the U.S. However, she never imagined that her drawings would have such a unique twist.

“For each park, I hand letter a line from the one-star reviews alongside my illustration of each park, as my way of putting fun and beautiful twist on the negativity,” she shared in a statement on her website.

With her fun images, Share attracted a lot of followers, with more than 355,000 people viewing her posts on Instagram. And her work has been published in various media, both local and international. Including O Magazine, the Wall Street Journal, the Boston Globe, the LA Times,,, Buzzfeed, Atlas Obscura, and more.

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