Mutluluk Panosu’s Hanging Succulent Embroidery Involves Real Wood

Many embroidery artists are inspired by nature, but Sinem Güler decided to make it an essential part of her art. The mastermind behind Mutluluk Panosu specializes in making hanging succulent embroidery that involves real wood found in nature.

Güler is based in Turkey, and she’s been obsessed with embroidery since she fell in love with it six years ago. Her craft significantly evolved over time, and she’s now best known for embroidering plants that seem like they’re hanging from tiny wooden branches.

“I personally collect wood pieces from the mountains of Turkey that have completed their life cycle as a result of the cycle that nature completes by itself. I hang the pots of my flowers that will never fade later on these trees and bring you a unique hoop” she explained on her Etsy page.

Güler collects discarded pieces because it’s very important for her to do no harm to the natural world. Her hanging succulent embroidery became so popular that she even shared a pattern online for everyone who wants to try making their own.

Even when she’s not working on her signature hoops, Güler is usually inspired by nature, and her embroidery features botanical motifs.