Plant Lovers Grow Jungles in Bottles

One of the biggest trends of 2019 is potted plants. Social media is just bursting with awe-inspiring photos of lush jungles nestled in city apartments – and the trend doesn’t seem to be going anywhere anytime soon. But what if you don’t have enough light or space for plants? The answer to your problems is a glass bottle.

This might sound crazy, but many urban people who don’t have space or light for full-grown plants turn to terrariums instead. All you need to do to make one is to take any old glass container, line it with some soil and pebbles, and fill it with tiny plants. The glass helps to retain moisture and serves as a small-scale ecosystem. Just a small amount of water is enough to keep the plants going for weeks.

Some terrariums are massive, but you can also make a tiny one and hang it outside your window or place it on a small table. As time passes, the plants will grow and fill the container, gradually becoming a miniature jungle. These small-scale forests are more than just plants in a bottle – they are living works of art.