Solange Nunes’ Embroideries Bring New Life to Fallen Leaves

While most people sweep up fallen leaves, others use them as inspiration for art projects. Solange Nunes belongs to the latter and she uses fallen leaves as a canvas for embroidery. She’s been embroidering since she was young and started using dry leaves to improve upon her craft.

Naturally, the Brazilian-based artist turned to embroidery since she comes from a family of embroiders. She uses the craft as a form of expression and she stumbled upon leaves after wanting to make her embroidery more special instead of just using fabrics.

The artist used to live on a farm and when she took walks, she’d find branches, leaves, and seeds and bring them home with her. That’s when she decided to test out embroidering with leaves.

At first, it was challenging because there was no reference for her and leaves are fragile, but after trial and error, she perfected the craft and since 2017, she’s been only embroidering on dry leaves.

She told Bored Panda that with her art she hopes to “bring a little more enchantment into people’s lives, trying to awaken to the beauty and simplicity of life, the beauty that is ephemeral, and the life that is very brief in the eyes of a human.”