Stray Dog Finds a New Home After Crashing Young Couple’s Wedding

Attending a wedding without an invitation is generally considered bad etiquette, but it can lead to some amazing things. One stray dog proved to be the most adorable wedding crasher ever when he greeted a young couple on their wedding day—and ended up finding a new home along the way.

Tamiris Muzini and Douglas Vieira Robert had a pretty memorable wedding day after a stray dog followed the bride all the way to the church door and stayed there until the wedding was over. The dog’s presence made the ceremony extra special, but he was nowhere to be found afterward.

The wedding organizer Huandra, also happened to be a volunteer for an NGO for the protection of animals and the couple later told her they wanted to welcome do adorable puppy into their family.

“The first thing the couple told me, right after the wedding, was that they couldn’t get the puppy out of their minds, that they really wanted to adopt him. The day after the wedding, they looked for him a lot, but without success,” Huandra told Bored Panda.

She posted the puppy’s photo on NGO’s social media page and one of the followers informed her where they could find him. The newlyweds were head over heels to welcome him into their home and decided to name him Braiá Caramelo de Jesus.