Trevor Smith is an ordinary guy who works in the local council in the city of Victoria, Australia by day. When he comes home from work, he enjoys creating crochet replicas of mid-century meals and household appliances people used back in the days. His crocheted toasters, telephones, cheese platters, and cakes bring back the forgotten memories of simpler times when we lived a lot slower than today.
“My mother was a talented craftswoman and I was always shadowing her, wanting to be doing what she was doing,” Smith told The Design Files when asked how he started doing crafts. He got a degree in Visual arts as a sculpture major and has always been interested in art.
His work will soon be shown in a group exhibition titled A Boys Own Story that’s happening in Melbourne from October 1st, 2019 to February 4th, 2020. It’s a group exhibition of textiles by multiple male artists. Smith shares his crochet work on Instagram and Facebook and you can see some of it if you scroll down.