Watch Youtubers Try Painting Over the Blackest Paint in the World

Musou black is known as the darkest black paint in the world. It’s supposed to absorb 99% of the light which makes it look like nothing you’ve seen before. Youtuber DipYourCar had his vehicle painted with this shade and it seriously looks unreal, almost like a cartoon. After people saw it online, he received requests to have it painted over with HyperShift, and he ultimately decided to do it.

“It was not easy, but we found a way, and the result is completely insane! This paint was not designed to be used on cars and this project should not be replicated,” the video description reads. “We simply did it for fun and for your viewing pleasure. Enjoy!”

The move was risky but the result is possibly the most beautiful car we’ve ever seen. It looks like a starry night and the Musou black base definitely helped the topcoat look even more prominent. See it for yourself in the video below.