Thanks to Tiktok, Sea Shanties Are in Again

It’s always fascinating to see how TikTok can take any obscure thing and turn it into a trend in no time. The social network’s users are quick to promote anything that’s novel and quirky, and this time they did it with sea shanties.

Sea shanties are no longer just for sailors. They were once a way to keep the boat workers doing their job rhythmically while keeping up morale, and today they are popular for their catchy melodies and simple lyrics. The fact that they are not difficult to perform makes them great for TikTok collaborations, and if you use this social platform, chances are you’ve already seen some of them.

You can check out the constantly growing collection of sea shanty videos on TikTok here.

If you end up enjoying the genre, you definitely need to check out The Longest Johns, a folk band from Bristol, England that’s known for singing popular and less popular sea shanties.