A New Dinosaur Species Has Been Found in South Africa

In 2019, a new species of dinosaur has been discovered!

The miraculous finding was made at the beginning of August in Johannesburg, South Africa’s largest city.

The fossils of the creature had apparently been hiding “in plain sight” at the University of the Witswatersrand for the last three decades.

For over 30 years, scientists believed that the bones were merely an unusual example of Massospondylus, but dinosaur researcher at London’s Natural History Museum, Professor Paul Barrett, has now identified it as an entirely different species.

Scientists believe that it would have measured three meters from the tip of its snout to the end of its tail, walked on two legs, had a fairly chunky body, a long slender neck, and a small boxy head.

The presumed omnivore has been named Ngwevu intloko which means grey skull in the Xhosa language spoken in South Africa.