Anna of No Space in My Passport Will Awaken Your Wanderlust

We all dream of traveling so much that we no longer have enough space in our passports for more stamps, and one traveler from Georgia actually made it happen. Anna of No Space in My Passport has been sharing her travel adventures with the world for years, and she’ll help you awaken your wanderlust.

Anna is a London-based travel blogger with over 100,000 Instagram travelers under her belt. Life took her in many different directions in her youth, and she fell in love with travel at a young age thanks to her parents.

“Growing up, traveling was always a hugely important part of my life. I don’t remember my first international trip, mostly because I was too young. I was lucky enough to grow up with a family who loves to travel, so travel became a part of my life from very early on,” she explains on her blog.

Anna hails from Georgia, but she grew up in Russia and spent most of her life in the UK after moving there when she was just 13. This was a huge change for her teenage self, but it allowed her to step out of her comfort zone and learn the importance of challenges in life.

Her love for travel only continued growing in the years to come. She decided to document her adventures by starting her own blog and went on to visit over 35 countries, and she’s always looking forward to her next big adventure.