Brian Kings Makes Comics About Everyday Things You Can Relate to

Brian Kings is a gifted artist who showed his talent for drawing when he was a little boy. His dream was to be a cartoonist, and he finally accomplished this dream by overcoming personal struggles. Because of this, his silly and creative comics are inspired by all relatable everyday things we experience as humans.

As he explained in a statement for Bored Panda, he always wanted to make comics, but he never felt ready. He dealt with depression, and depicting comics was his way of therapy.

“I take an hour a day, usually my lunch break, and make a comic, sometimes I will color when I get home, but being a dad, I don’t always have a big pocket of time,” he said and added: “In 3 years I think I have missed six days of making comics, I have over 1000… guess I was always ready! It is one of the best parts of my life and my day.”

His everyday goal is to improve his work every time he sits down. First, he began drawing in black and white. Then when he added some colors, which took him five hours to finish. Now, after so much work, he can knock out a good-looking comic in one hour.

To see his works, check out the gallery below. We are sure you will like them.