Disney’s live-action remake of the animated classic The Lion King has just landed in theaters and we, like many people out there, can’t wait to check it out. But, just as we were about to buy a ticket and grab our popcorns, we realized that our memory about the story of the original is a bit foggy.
Now, re-watching the animated The Lion King would probably take us a lot of time and we would have to reschedule our movie night. However, luckily for us, we found an adorable recap cartoon from Cas van de Pol that does the trick.
De Pol is an animator from the Netherlands who creates animated content that is mostly inspired by movies, TV shows, and video games. He recently decided to get in on The Lion King craze and sum up the entire story of the animated original into a two minutes video. This talented artist took the major plot points of the movie and presented them using quirky and cute animations. And believe us when we say, it helped us get our memory back in a heartbeat.
Check out De Pol’s adorable version of The Lion King below.