Homeless Man Gets a Free Transformation and The Result is Unbelievable

When 45-year-old Joao Coelho Guimaraes, who has been living on the streets for the past three years, stepped into a barbershop, he couldn’t imagine his world would change in just a couple of hours.

As Alessandro Lobo, the owner of the barbershop said, Guimaraes was offered food—but instead, he asked if he could get a razor to trim his beard.

“That’s when we had the idea, and everyone who was at the store decided to help him in a different way, providing him with a day of beauty,” Lobo told Brazilian website UOL. He then added that his team needed two hours to finish their “project”.

Guimaraes was also gifted with a pair of pants, three shirts, a jacket, and shoes. But there was another great surprise for him. When the images went viral, his mom and sister came to look for him, searching the whole neighborhood.

Lobo helped the ladies to track him down, which led to a heartwarming meetup. Although his sister insisted to take him home, he decided to stay on the streets, where he feels free.

If you want to see the remarkable transformation, check out the gallery below. Don’t forget to be kind to everybody.