Japanese Chef Makes Impossibly Thin Sandwich

Japanese chef Oiri recently shared a video showing him making the world’s thinnest sandwich. If you’re wondering where you can get the ingredients for such a sandwich, the answer is that you need to make them yourself. All you need is one insanely sharp knife and some (okay, a lot of) practice, and you can copy Chef Oiri’s work in no time! Here’s how he did it.

He started with a plain loaf of bread and cut its end before cutting two impossibly thin slices he’ll use for the sandwich. They’re so thin they’re transparent! After that, he repeats the process with a cucumber and a tomato. He then started arranging the sandwich: one thin slice of bread, several slices of tomato and cucumber so thin we’re wondering how they don’t fall apart, one (also thin) slice of meat with a little bit of butter added, and another slice of bread. Once done, he cut it in half and rolled it—one half equals exactly one bite!

Check out the video below.