Kimberly Davis’ Art is Vivid and Colorfully Vibrant

Art isn’t always about being obvious about your message. In fact, sometimes an artist’s message isn’t necessarily obvious to the artist themselves—at least not on the surface. What we mean by that is that an artist’s message has many layers to it, and an artist may choose to focus on one frequency more than another. In the case of Kimberly Davis, she’s intent to focus heavily on the power of colors—and by golly, it’s working.

Because sometimes art is just about conveying a feeling, and feeling can be manipulated through color and texture. Davis knows this, and is communicating her feelings through these powerful mediums. The artwork she creates often emits a range of bright colors that are hard to refute, whether or not you like it. It’s a feeling of warmth, one that she’s not being shy about releasing.

Perhaps this is why although she currently has under a thousand Instagram followers, we’re still impressed by her work. She’s confident about what she’s trying to say with her work, and this makes all the difference. If you’re also feeling somewhat touched by her art, give her a follow as well!