Tabea’s Musical Journey is One to Be Admired

One of the most vulnerable things you can do as a musician is perform on the street. It’s a great way to network yourself, but it’s also one of the hardest things you can do as well. The sheer amount of people you expose yourself to can lead to great things, but can also lead to rejection, and sometimes even danger. Tabea, however, is showing that she’s willing to do the hard work.

A singer-songwriter and producer from Portugal, Tabea isn’t afraid to work hours on end to get herself out there. Playing live in public seems so natural to her, whether she’s playing original songs of hers or covers that others already know. Speaking of others, she has an ever-growing fanbase of 1,500 plus followers, thanks in part to her frequent performances.

Her style of music has a folk quality to it, mixed in with a little bit of pop and indie. If these kinds of styles are your cup of tea, you may find yourself into her stuff. Of course, you’d have to fall in love with her voice—but that shouldn’t be too hard, because so many others have already done so. Give her a follow if you’d like to stay up to date on Tabea’s musical journey.