Man Eats a Rotisserie Chicken Every Day for 40 Days

Different people have different goals, some attainable and some not. For example, if your goal is to walk on Mars, well, good luck with that since no one ever did it. On the other hand, if your goal is to eat a rotisserie chicken every day for 40 days, that sounds quite realistic since one man from Philadelphia just pulled it off.

Back in early October, Twitter user Alexander Tominsky posted a photo of himself eating a rotisserie chicken with an intriguing caption.

“I would like to invite you all on a journey that I am on. I am eating a rotisserie chicken every day for 30 days,” he wrote. “Today is day 11. I will keep you all updated as I get closer to my goal. Thank you.”

Tominsky ended up keeping his promise, sharing daily updates on his goal to down a rotisserie chicken. On some days, he looked like he was genuinely enjoying this unique challenge.

On others, it seemed like that much chicken was taking a toll on his mind and body.

But then a strange thing happened. More people found out about Tominsky’s journey and decided to give him the extra motivation he needed to get across the finish line. This prompted him to extend his run for 40 days and schedule a public event for his last rotisserie chicken meal. And you better believe a bunch of people showed up.

Tominsky was later asked by The New York Times about the motivation behind this unique challenge. According to him, the world is currently in pain, and he just wanted to do “something that brings him pain to make others smile”.