Milkmoon Kitchen Cakes are Hiding a Colorful Surprise Inside

It’s not a rarity for layered cakes to surprise you once you start cutting them into slices, but Azara Golston of Milkmoon Kitchen is taking this idea to a whole new level. She became an Instagram sensation thanks to her playful cakes that look super-colorful inside and out.

On her official website, Golston explains she’s been baking and cake decorating since her teenage years. She was only 13 when she discovered that these activities offer “the perfect balance between [her] artistic leanings and [her] 2-ton sweet tooth”, and she never looked back.

Golston is based in New Jersey, but she works as a baker in Brooklyn and often develops new recipes for Food Network. She’s a versatile baker, but her biggest hits are cakes that reveal colorful layers and patterns once you start cutting them into pieces.

Golston is also one of the bakers who put fault line cakes on the map. The exterior of these cakes makes it seem like outer chunks of the cakes are missing and inner layers are peeking out. Some of these cakes are decorated with fruits, sprinkles, and other sweet ingredients, while others put colorful inner layers on full display.