Boris and Doug Are Instagram’s Cutest Labrador and Dalmatian Duo

Labradors and Dalmatians are both amazing dog breeds in their own right, but have you ever seen them live by each other’s side? If your answer is no, you’re in for a treat, because Boris and Doug happen to be the cutest Labrador and Dalmatian duo you’ll ever see.

Their owners decided to welcome both dogs into their home, because their mom always wanted a Dalmatian, while their dad grew up with two Labradors. They “compromised” by adopting both dogs—an adorable Dalmatian named Doug and a Fox Red Labrador named Boris.

Their parents don’t spend a lot of time taking and uploading their photos since Boris and Doug happen to be naturally photogenic. Originally, they only wanted to share their adventures with their inner circle, and never expected that they would become internet stars with over 130,000 followers.

“We first set up the page so family and friends could see the boys growing up without having to spam our own feeds, but now our following has grown so much we love sharing their journey with everyone,” the puppies’ owners told Hello Bark.