Poorly Translated Shirts From Around the World Will Make You Cringe and Laugh

If you’ve ever lived in a foreign country, you already know that buying dupes of famous brands can turn into a disaster. They often contain mismatched logos, funny typos, and messy grammatical errors—and the Instagram page Poorly Translated Shirts collected them all in one place.

This page was started by the masterminds behind Good Shirts, which grew into a successful brand, offering shirts with funny prints for sale. Its author was inspired to start this page while living in Hanoi, Vietnam, where he came across many strange shirts.

He was wowed by the messed-up versions of famous company logos and prints that made zero sense, so he decided to collect them all in one place and share them with the world.  

“I sought them out at every marketplace like a thrifter searching for a hidden gem, though the gems I desired were not typically beautiful, but strange and rife with mistakes. Still, there was an accidental beauty to the shirts I found, something profound and hilarious-without-trying,” reads Good Shirts’ official website.

Over the years, the collection of quirky shirts on both of these Instagram pages grew, as people from all around the world started sending their own submissions. Some of these shirts will make you laugh, others will make you cringe—but they most definitely won’t leave you indifferent.