This Awesome Twitter Account is Dedicated to Terrible Maps

Not all maps are created to help people and put the world in perspective. Some just want to see the world burn and are so terrible that they can’t be anything but epic. That is the whole point of a highly entertaining Twitter account Terrible Maps.

Created by an unnamed and unsung hero, Terrible Maps share all sorts of maps that you will probably never be able to use in real life. But you will be able to show them to your friends for a great collective laughter.

For example, ever wondered how many Switzerland’s can fit inside of Brazil? Neither have we but for some reason there is a map showing this. Of course, this map only illustrates the answer but let’s you do the count. Luckily, someone did the count and it turns out that 142 Switzerland can fit inside Brazil.

And this is only scratches the surface of the epic collection of maps found on Terrible Maps. For example, we truly enjoyed the one that shows the legality of owning a kangaroo in the United States. And we can’t help but wonder what are Wisconsin, West Virginia, and South Carolina thinking.

You should definitely give Terrible Maps a visit and find your own favorite map. In the meantime, scroll down to see more of our favorites.