Chicken Thoughts—Bird Owner is Drawing Hilarious Comics About Her Parrot

Parrots are truly curious birds and having them as a pet is one wild and often hilarious ride. Sarah Wymer learned that first-hand after becoming a bird owner, and she decided to chronicle her parrot’s shenanigans through Chicken Thoughts comics.

Chicken Thoughts may seem like a strange name for a webcomic series that puts parrots front and center, but there’s a reason why Sarah Wymer opted for this name. The mastermind behind this series of comics named it after her cockatiel, Chicken.

When she first started drawing parrot-themed comics, she wanted to capture birds’ incredible duality because she was always fascinated by how intelligent, yet illogical they can be.

In addition to drawing comics that put Chicken front and center, she also created illustrations inspired by many birds she’s never met in person.

“One thing that makes the series special is I draw comics about some of my readers’ birds too, and have them on as guest stars! People will tell me a little bit about their birds and I come up with comics about them, drawn in my googly-eye style,” Wymer told Bored Panda.

In addition to finding success on Instagram, where she’s followed by over 200,000 people, Sarah also published a book of her illustrations titled Chicken Thoughts: Comics About Birds.