Mathieu Lucas Tackles Environmental Issues With His “Anthropo Scenes”

Mathieu Lucas is a French artist who started his artistic journey as a graffiti artist in the early 2000s. After getting his degree in graphic arts, Lucas ventured into various other art forms, including graphic design, illustration, 3D printing, and contemporary visual art.

Lucas recently presented his most recent art series titled Anthropo Scenes. In this series, the artist constructs miniature scenes that tackle various environmental issues, ranging from pollution and global warming to globalization and “the erosion of biodiversity.”

His works often feature faceless characters in wetsuits, which are 3D printed. These characters find themselves in the center of the scene, allowing the viewer to form their point of view and either “identify with or distance themselves” from the characters.

“I pose things, as I feel them and try to open a questioning to the spectator, that he questions himself,” Lucas explains.

Lucas uses a variety of materials for his miniature scenes. He uses acrylic paint and resin but also repurposed materials like plastic washed up on the beach or old toys and electronic components he finds in yard sales.

In order to mark the fifth anniversary of his creative endeavors, Lucas organized the Anthropo Scenes exhibition at Montpellier’s Nicolas Xavier Gallery. He is also preparing a 160-page book that will be available in the limited circulation of 400 copies.

Check out more of Mathieu Lucas’ works below.