American-Nigerian Couple Learn About Each Others’ Culture By Trying Food—And Their Reactions are Hilarious

One of the best ways to get to know someone’s culture is through its cuisine. Indeed, one food item can taste so many different delicious ways, depending on what you accompany it with.

For example, let’s say you eat love eating corn with melted butter. Well, in Nigeria, they consume it with coconut. It may seem odd to some, but YouTubers Ling and Lam are showing us how fun it is to constantly try out new cuisines.

The American-Nigerian couple is very into exploring each other’s culture by tasting food, drinks, learning how animals sound in their country as well. It’s especially exciting for Lam, who now has the opportunity to try American food for the first time—and his reactions are hilarious.

While he didn’t like the hotdog or the cheeseburger, he was quite enchanted by the traditional autumn caramel apple.

Thanks to their silliness, the two are popular on other social media platforms as well. On Instagram, they have over 200,000 followers, while on TikTok they have reached more than 15.3 million likes.

Have you ever tried something unusual and still liked it? Tell us in the comments below.