Artist Creates Illustrations of Prehistoric Animals

Dinosaurs get all the attention in the discussions about prehistoric animals, but the truth is that many other fascinating creatures roamed the Earth thousands and millions of years ago. Artist Roman Uchytel wants to bring them to prominence as well through his series of illustrations called “Prehistoric Fauna”.

Uchytel says he became fascinated with animals while growing up. He was living nearby a zoo and would often visit and sketch animals. He dreamt one day of becoming a zoologist, but his creative talent prevailed, and he went to art school.

Uchytel would only later discover a way to bring together his two passions. He started a fun project in which he would illustrate prehistoric fauna so his children could see how animals looked in the past.

The artist had so much fun that he decided to focus fully on illustrating prehistoric animals. This led to a successful website as well as the release of books, calendars, and posters with his works. It became a family business, with his wife Alexandra helping him out as well.

“Using only their skeletons, I bring creatures to life that roamed the same routes that take you to and from work hundreds of thousands of years ago,” he explains. “What was once a hobby is now my life’s calling.”

You can check out some of Uchytel’s works below.