The Seventh Aries is Creating Stunning Framed Displays with Preserved Insects

Many people fear insects, but others are able to look past their scary side and find beauty in these curious creatures. The British artist who goes by The Seventh Aries is one of them, and they specialize in making beautiful framed displays with ethically preserved insects.

The mastermind behind The Seventh Aries is based in the UK, and their adventure in the world of unique entomology started in 2014. In the years to come, the artist’s Instagram page attracted over 20,000 followers, but they experienced an even bigger boom on TikTok, where @theseventharies has over 200,000 followers and 5.7 million views.

These insects are so well-preserved that you might think they’re made of paper or some other material, but they’re 100% real. The artist explained that all specimens are ethically obtained and personally prepared, and they may have minor flaws as all natural items.

The Seventh Aries is selling their art on Etsy, but their social media channels also offer a comprehensive look at each artwork. They list all elements used in the creation of these stunning framed displays, including the names of the insects, helping us learn more about them and gain a new appreciation for these beautiful, but often misunderstood creatures.