Google’s Interactive AI Choir Sings Whatever You Want

Talented animator David Li has created a legitimate masterpiece. Together with Google Arts & Culture, he managed to deliver a clever interactive animation software called Blob Opera.

These “blobs” are indeed quite talented. They can sing some predefined melodies like Christmas carols, or you can get them to sing your own customized tunes if you prefer.

There are four different blobs that you can control. The purple one is a bass, the blue is a tenor, the green is a mezzo-soprano, and the red is a soprano. Together, they can sing various melodies that you compose—and you can even record them singing your music and share them with friends!

This experiment allows the machine to slowly learn and understand what opera is and try to mimic it. Four opera singers, Christian Joel, Frederick Tong, Joanna Gamble, and Olivia Doutney spent countless hours recording their singing, and yet it’s not their voices you hear—it’s the AI.

Want to try Blob Opera yourself? The app can provide some great fun for families—and your kids will especially love making their own music with these cute colorful blobs!