Mr Doodle Just Doodled His Entire House

British artist Sam Cox, also known as Mr Doodle on social media, recently unveiled his biggest project to date. Cox painted every inch of his 13-room house in Kent in white in 2019 and then spent the past two years covering it in doodles.

The walls, doors, furniture, and even the bed sheets didn’t escape Cox’s creativity. He drew all sorts of lines, shapes, and quirky characters on them to create one epic piece of art.

“I’ve always wanted to live in a completely doodled house,” Cox shared with The Washington Post. “It feels the most natural way to create art for me, and the most instinctive process when I pick up a pen and just start drawing.”

While working on the project, Cox captured 1,857 photographs to document his creative process. He then combined the photos in a jaw-dropping time-lapse video that allows the viewers to witness the art in the making from the first to the last doodle.

What makes this project even more impressive is that Cox didn’t plan which types of doodles he’ll draw or how they would look. Instead, he would just start to draw and see where the inspiration would take him.

According to Cox, he doesn’t intend to turn the house into a gallery since he and his family will continue to live in it. However, he does plan to organize online tours.