Danny’s Furry Artwork is Colorful and Zany

Our title for this article isn’t an embellishment in any sense of the word. As Danny writes in the bio of his Instagram account, he’s a “furry painter”, and is happy to invite anyone to his “sticker club”. What’s more zany than that?

But it’s not just about who he is an artist. After scrolling through his work on his profile, it’s safe to assume that not only is he accurately promoting himself, but he holds out on the best part—that the art he makes is truly incredible.

With over 6,700 followers tuning in to see what he posts every day, he’s a rising star. But when reading the comments on his various artwork posts, it’s clear that the followers he currently has are loving every minute of it. If their documented experience is any indication, we may see his fanbase explode in the coming future.

Danny creates canvases of animals that have a certain humanized quality to them, from their funny expressions to their exaggerated features. He certainly has his niche, but that’s not to say that he hasn’t carved out his own unique style within that niche. Check out the rest of his page to see his various works of art, and if you like what you see, be sure to give him a good follow!