Have Your Ever Seen a Dog Mowing a Lawn?

Need to have your lawn mowed? Well, we think we might have found a perfect candidate for you to hire. He does a tremendous job and only charges in treats, cuddles, and fetch.

Facebook user MadMax Po recently posted a video on his profile that shows a truly remarkable scene of a dog riding a lawnmower and mowing someone’s lawn. The dog was even taking turns, reversing, and trying to hit the patches of grass he previously missed.   

The clip quickly spread on social media, becoming the talk of the internet. The original Facebook post was shared more than 45K times while attracting 12K likes and 5.5K comments.

“I thought I was tripping this man dog cutting the grass!!!!!! “wrote Po in the caption of the video.

Unfortunately, we don’t know much more about the story behind the video. Our guess is that a dog owner got tired of mowing his lawn, so he decided to teach his dog how to operate a lawnmower. It could also be that there is a new landscaping service around that only hires dogs. Imagine having a dog cutting the grass in your yard and planting flowers. How cool would that be?