Hilarious Things People See on the Back of Trucks

We might not be traveling as much as we used to, but every now and then we’re able to get out on the road. When that happens, we’re reminded just how funny the world can sometimes be, and how it’s filled with all kinds of hilarious sights and characters. When you’re driving around town, there are all kinds of funny signs and inscriptions that you sometimes see on the back of trucks—and these Instagram pictures really take the cake.

Back_of_a_truck is an Instagram profile that was founded in March 2018. Simply put, it’s a photo archive that consists of hilarious truck signs and funny texts that people see while commuting or traveling. The page receives photos from many different people around the world and collects them in one place so that their followers can enjoy the quirkiest back-truck photos around.

Where do all these little signs and notes come from? Perhaps it’s one of the ways truckers make jokes with each other, as well as it being a great way to recognize one another on the road. It shows humor, attitude, and good spirit. Scroll down to see some examples from the page!