Phil Berge Makes “Stop-Motion” Animations Using Tattoos

Montreal, Canada, based tattoo artist Phil Berge has one of the most intriguing tattoo projects we have seen in a while. He inks similar tattoos on different clients and then uses them to create “stop-motion” animation.

Berge usually starts with creating tattoo “frames” for a particular animation. He then offers them to clients, who can pick out a frame they like and get it tattooed. Once someone takes up the frame, it becomes unavailable.

Berge takes a photo of each “frame” he tattoos and then ties them together in an old school “slow-motion” animation. It feels like watching a short animated film that is projected onto peoples’ bodies.

For example, Berge recently did an animation tattoo of the iconic cartoon character Felix the Cat. He tattooed 160 people in seven months to get an animation that shows Felix drinking beer, playing musical instruments, dancing, and much more. 

Berge’s animation tattoos have become increasingly popular lately. They allow people to get some cool-looking tattoos but also be part of a great project and share a bond with fellow tattoo enthusiasts.

You can check out more of these intriguing animation tattoos, including Steamboat Willie, Betty Boop, and Beavis and Butthead.


Almost done with the Felix the cat 160 tattoos project. So here’s Steamboat Willie 64 tattoos project while you wait.

♬ son original – Phil Berge

17 tattoos to complete this Betty Boop dancing tattooed animation. Thanks to everyone that participated in this project 🙌🙌🙌. #bettyboop #tattoo #tattoos #animation #stopmotion #fleischer

♬ son original – Phil Berge

Beavis and Butthead headbanging to DRI tattooed on 6 people. Most of these designs sat in my flash book for two years before finding their skin to live on. Sometime things take time.

♬ son original – Phil Berge

Finally! I made a total of 76 tattoos to create this scene from Betty Boop Snow White. A huge thank you to everyone that got tattooed for this project. #fyp #tattoo #tattoos #animation #stopmotion #fleischerstudios #cabcalloway #fleischer

♬ St. James Infirmary – Cab Calloway