This is What the World Would Look Like if Cats Were Huge

Have you ever thought about what the world would look like if cats were a lot bigger than they actually are? Russian artist Andrey Scherbak has, and he’s shared hundreds of photos of giant cats in different situations—just in case you were wondering what it would be like.

As Scherbak told Bored Panda, he’s the owner of two cats himself. “The male cat is named Pif. I took him from an animal shelter as an adult, when he was already around 5 years old. The female cat is named Panya, and I found her in the street,” he explained.

He also mentioned that Panya is autistic, and that he has a Labrador named Rooney who can be spotted in some of the photos he shares. His pets are best buddies and don’t fight, which is truly amazing.

The artist tried to take photos of his own cats for the project, but that didn’t really work out, because they can never sit still. That’s why he collects photos around the internet and comes up with creative ways to show them as if they were giants. You can see his work below and on his Instagram page.