Hosting a birthday party at a grocery store isn’t something a lot of people would consider. However, as a recent viral TikTok video shows, that can actually turn out amazing.
TikToker @allthingsbeautybymadison recently decided to celebrate her birthday at a local Costco with family and friends. They all got matching sweatshirts, brought some birthday accessories, and found a table at the store’s food court for a birthday dinner.
@allthingsbeautybymadison not only had a great time but also spent just $30 on food and drinks. On top of that, she received a birthday cake from the Costco staff.
“The best part was the @Costco Wholesale women coming over to my table and singing happy birthday to me with an entire birthday cake that we got to take home! I did not expect that at all, it was so generous & kind of them,” @allthingsbeautybymadison wrote in caption while describing her experience as the “cheapest and best birthday dinner yet”.
The video quickly went viral on TikTok getting 3.2 million views since being posted several weeks ago. It also prompted other TikTok users to praise the idea in the comments section, so Costco might soon become a popular venue for birthday parties.