Amanda Cobbett’s Nature-Inspired Embroidery Art is as Realistic as it Gets

Botanical art isn’t a rarity in the world of embroidery, but Amanda Cobbett manages to put a revolutionary twist on this art form. She specializes in crafting nature-inspired embroidery art, and her pieces look so realistic that you’ll have to do a double take.

Cobbett has 25 years of experience as a textile artist under her belt, and she fell in love with it at a young age. She grew up watching her mother and grandmothers, who were both gifted seamstresses, make wonderful things. She also inherited the skill to visualize and turn many amazing things into objects from her father and grandfather, who have a background in technical drawing and engineering.

After graduating from the Chelsea College of Art, she spent many years working in the printed textile design industry, but eventually decided to forge her own path.

She blended her passion for nature and embroidery into one, using a free-motion embroidery technique on a sewing machine to stitch together the most realistic mushrooms, lichen, and mossy barks that you’ll ever see.

“Machining approximately 130,000 individual stitches a day, Amanda’s creations are not only a textile tour de force but are educational, highlighting the beauty and diversity that exists in the undergrowth,” she explains on her official website.