Baker Creates Realistic Buttercream Botanical Cakes

Image by @_leslie_vigil_ / Instagram

Leslie Vigil is a California-based artist at Tasteful Cakes, a family-owned bakeshop that offers incredible cakes and cupcakes almost too pretty to eat.

Vigil’s masterpieces are topped with various art and nature-inspired frosting designs. She uses buttercream edible succulents like cactus, aloe, Barbary fig as decorations for her succulent creations. While some of her cakes feature flower spot bases sculpted from fondant, with “potted” cake plants within. Many of her edible works barely resemble food at all.

“I’ve always found myself at home in a botanical garden or wrists deep in soil,” – said Vigil in a recent interview. “Being in nature has always brought me tremendous joy and inspiration. So, I was inspired to begin challenging myself to create flowers, succulents, and cacti that truly honored and represented botanicals in nature as I knew them.”

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