Brooke Barker is Capturing Sad Animal Facts in a Witty Way

Do you know that feeling when being a human feels too heavy, and you wish you were born as a cat or a bird instead? We’ve all been there, but animal life isn’t as easy and relaxing as it seems, and Brooke Barker perfectly captured their struggles through her hit series of illustrations Sad Animal Facts.

With over 400,000 followers on Instagram, this hit page created quite a splash, and all animal lovers out there should check it out ASAP. Barker’s illustrations feature facts about animals that you probably weren’t aware of, and she’s constantly pairing them with witty illustrations that make them seem a little bit less sad.

The Pittsburgh-based illustrator used this series to teach us a thing or two about animals that you probably didn’t know, making us consider what it’s like living their life.

“We’re all familiar with the concept of animals, and everyone assumes animals have these really easy and carefree lives. They’re frolicking in the woods; they’re just relaxing. They’re sleeping in cute little dens. But we don’t know how terrible animal lives are because they can’t tell us about them,” Barker told Very Local.

In addition to finding huge success on Instagram, Barker published several books of her illustrations, including Sad Animal Facts and Sad Animal Babies.