Crocheted Food from Maria Skog Looks Yummy

The biggest issue with food that looks good is that it can’t stay that way for long. If you let it sit on the plate, it will get spoiled, so you have to eat it. But the yummy food made by crochet artist Maria Skog doesn’t have this issue.

Thanks to the fact that they are “cooked” using threads, Skog’s mouthwatering avocado toasts, eggs and bacon, waffles, and cinnamon rolls will never go bad. They are made to last and, as such, can be admired for a lot longer than your regular food.

The Finish artist is able to recreate all sorts of dishes to great detail but also puts a lot of effort into the presentation. She pairs up individual crochet pieces to create full meals that immediately make your stomach growl.

In a recent chat with Colossal, Skog revealed that she started her crochet practice during a period in which she dealt with serious health issues. Besides its relaxing effect, crocheting also ensured her daughters had something to remember her for.

“If I wouldn’t survive, I wanted the girls to have living memories of me, and I thought that they would remember us playing together with the food I crocheted myself,” Skog shared.

Fortunately, Skog overcame her health scare, but her passion for crochet remained. She now eagerly shares her newest “culinary” creations on Instagram, where she already has more than 40K followers.