Dachshund Decides to Destroy Her Owner’s Couch While She’s In the Shower

Dogs can be very mischievous when bored, especially if you leave them in a room unsupervised. The TikTok user @leilabellman learned this the hard way, finding out that her adorable dachshund destroyed the living room couch while she was in the shower.

The TikToker shared the event in a viral clip that delighted social media. Most users were impressed with the dog’s capability of creating chaos and found the whole thing amazingly entertaining. But @leilabellman? Not so much.

“I just walked out to this. Are you ready?” says @leilabellman to start the video before turning the camera to a remarkable scene.

It turns out that her four-legged pet managed to remove the blanket from the couch, tear through the pillow, and bury himself in it. He can be seen comfortably resting while his entire face was covered with the stuffing.

And according to @leilabellman’s commentary, it wasn’t the first time the pupper did this.

Other TikTok users weighed in on the scene in the comment section, with some using the opportunity to get some jokes out there.

“where did you get a couch that eats dogs? my couch just eats remotes and coins,” wrote one user.

“Dachshunds always take “getting cozy” to the next level,” wrote another.