Denise Humphrey Repurposes Broken Watches and Light Bulbs Into Steampunk Art Pieces

Inspired by Steampunk, UK artist Denise Humphrey is repurposing broken watches and defunct light bulbs as art pieces. Most of her works can be used as cool decoration pieces or wearable jewelry. 

Humphrey is always on the lookout for antique clocks and vintage watches that she can use in her works. After finding a fitting piece, she combines it with brass wires, silver chains, and other metals to create impressive and complex pieces.

Most of Humphrey’s works are recreations of insects in Steampunk style. This includes bees, wasps, butterflies, flies, and spiders. The smaller pieces can be used as earrings or pendants, while the bigger ones are perfect as brooches.

“My jewelry, sculptures, and anthropomorphic illustrations – are all influenced by the sub-genre of science fiction in some way, with its prominent elements of fictional technological inventions,” the artist shares on her website.

Humphrey’s unique creations are proving to be quite popular among Steampunk enthusiasts but also those who just appreciate nice things. She shares her newest creations on social media and makes most of them available on her webshop and Etsy. Humphrey also visits craft fairs and conventions, while her more elaborate works can be found in art galleries.