Jen Siemen’s Illustrations Explore the Role of Small People in a Big World

If you enjoy introspective illustrations that make you look at the world from a different angle, you should learn Jan Siemen’s name. This creative illustrator and graphic designer enjoy exploring a place we have in the big, wide world through his digital works of art.

Siemen is a German artist based in Cologne and co-founder of a creative studio named Sons of Ipanema, who goes by @janillustrates on Instagram. On the studio’s official website, he explains that he always loved illustration and that this love developed into a real passion once he started sharing his ideas with the world a few years ago.

Siemen claims his goal is to entertain rather than enlighten, and that his work doesn’t rely on social criticism, but on both romanticism and sarcasm from time to time. One thing that the characters in his illustrations have in common is that we rarely get to see their faces, and that’s not a coincidence.

“I don’t want to show emotion through facial expressions. The emotion should come from the viewer of the illustration and not be predetermined. The rear view of the persons in the pictures puts the viewer in the same position. So both see the same,” Siemen told Pop Web Designs.