Lily Seika Jones Presents Animals as Medieval Warriors Through Her Art

Illustrators that present animals with human characteristics are not a rarity, but there’s something that sets Lily Seika Jones apart. She’s best known for drawing illustrators inspired by history and mythology, which show animals that transform into medieval warriors.

Jones is currently based in Vancouver, and she studied fine arts at the University of British Columbia. Her drawings and paintings became a huge hit on Instagram since she started her page @rivuletpaper and attracted 300,000 followers, largely thanks to her animal paintings.

Jones’ whimsical watercolor paintings are largely inspired by the time she spends walking along the marshes near her home and exploring the natural world of the Pacific Northwest, but they also pay homage to myths and fairytales she enjoyed as a child.

“She sources most of her inspiration from her favorite childhood stories and mid-century illustrators… Lily is interested in how myths and fairytales shape our childhood and the world around us, and sees her art-making as an exploration of the significance of these stories as we grow up, she explains on her official website.

In Jones’s paintings, every animal—no matter how big or small—can become a medieval hero. They all have the courage and perseverance needed to fight for what they stand for, and Jones gives them the medieval weapons they need to look more fierce and fearless.