Man Watching “The Office” Doesn’t Realize He’s Sitting Besides Sitcom’s Star Rainn Wilson

You would think Rainn Wilson, who plays Dwight Schrute on the cult sitcom The Office, gets recognized wherever he goes. Well, it turns out this isn’t the case. During a recent flight, Wilson sat beside a man who watched The Office and didn’t even realize he was sitting beside one of its main stars.

Wilson was so entertained by the whole thing that he decided to record a short video about it and post it as a story on Instagram. 

“When the person sitting next to you has no idea who you are,” Wilson wrote in the video while filming the man enjoying his meal and watching an episode of The Office.

The video, of course, went viral and left internet users in disbelief about how the man didn’t manage to figure out he was flying alongside the star of the show he obviously enjoys watching. This prompted Wilson to share some backstory about the video.

In a follow-up video posted on Instagram, Wilson explained that he ended up striking up a conversation with the man. He asked him what he thought about the show and got to listen about how bad the first season of The Office was before removing his mask for the full reveal.

“And then he recognized me, and his head exploded, and we had a nice laugh, so happy ending,” Wilson concluded.