Mushrooms Are Living Their Best Lives in Abi Toads’ Adorable Illustrations

Abi Toads is the mastermind behind some of Instagram’s most adorable illustrations, and mushrooms happen to be the biggest source of her inspiration. She created adorable creatures known as Mushlings and they’re living their best lives in her illustrations.

Abi started her Instagram page @abi.toads back in 2021, and it took her just two years to attract over 400,000 followers. She initially only shared illustrations, mostly inspired by mushrooms and toads, but started working on more complex animated videos as her skills evolved over time.

Abi always enjoyed drawing nature-related things, but she eventually decided to put mushrooms front and center in her work because she finds them endlessly fascinating.

“Mushrooms in particular have so many species and come and go so quickly, so it was pretty natural to build a world for them. They’re quirky and strange, yet cute little beings, and it is so fun to come up with personalities for them,” she explains on her Instagram page.

Abi’s Mushlings became so popular that you can now buy all sorts of merch inspired by her characters. In addition to selling prints and stickers on her Etsy page, Abi also surprised her fans with sweaters, shirts, and plushies inspired by her work.