Romanian Origami Artist Folded 1000 Cranes in 1000 Days

Image via icarus.mid.air on Instagram

Cristian Marianciuc is a Romanian-born translator who loves playing with paper.

Back in 2015 he started a 100-days project, where he wanted to fold and decorate one origami crane every single day. However, once he reached his goal, he made another ambitious decision and continued his project until he reached 365 cranes in 365 days. But he didn’t stop there, he set up another goal to himself: he was going to attempt to fold and decorate one origami crane, every single day, until he would reach 1000 cranes in 1000 days, which, according to the Japanese tradition will grant the folder a wish.

His tiny and colorful masterpieces are mostly inspired by the Greek mythology, the Japanese folklore, nature and his own personal experiences.

Check out his work below.