Sako Asko is a huge believer that art can uncover a vast internal universe beyond the human eye. He’s using his body of work to invite us into his hidden realm and explore our relationship with the world that surrounds us, and ultimately ourselves.
Sako Asko is a Colombian artist who became a true sensation after he started sharing his illustrations on social media. He’s now followed by almost 300,000 people on Instagram, and his surreal illustrations are inviting you to look closer and find the hidden meaning within.
Sako Asko is a true master in the art of contradictions, and his illustrations are doing a great job exploring both the bright and dark sides of the modern world, sending strong messages that will resonate with everyone who sees them.
“I have always had an affinity for the inner human world, I am interested in knowing what motivates decision-making or procrastination. For this reason, I am so passionate about creating images, since through drawing I can make visible the inner universes that are hidden to the human eye,” he explains on his official website.
In addition to finding success with his digital art, Sako Asko also launched a store where he offers everything from shirts to pins inspired by his work.