Stelios Pupet Creates Captivating Paintings Using Grids

Most artists start their paintings with a sketch on canvas or a brushstroke. However, Greek artist Stelios Pupet developed a different technique that makes his artworks quite captivating.

Pupet’s paintings start with a grid structure. From there, the artist fills out each grid with color, building a striking image that looks slightly distorted but still represents a whole composition. A particular grid doesn’t always seamlessly follow the ones that surround it, further adding to the uniqueness of the piece.

According to Pupet, he first started using the grid technique several years ago when wanting to transform a digital sketch into a silicon print. He was intrigued by the possibilities that grids added to his creative process, so he started using them in his other works.

“What happened is that I used to paint in a more traditional style, but I was always trying to find different ways to imprint reality through my works,” Pupet explained in a recent interview.

Pupet is now using his grids approach to create paintings that became popular among art collectors around the world. He is also translating this unique style to other works, such as a recent mural in Zaragoza, Spain.

Continue scrolling to check out more of Puppet’s works below.